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The World's Most Advanced
Prize Fund
THB 1,000,000
Top 10 members on the monthly leaderboard table will receive even more points and prizes according to their membership tier
Real Time Leaderboard
Leaderboards enable players to gauge their performance and compete with other players on a real-time basis.
Lucrative Prizes
Receive even more gifts and prizes according to your RANK!
Fair Play Challenges
Challenge yourself and others on the same membership tier to be one of the Top 10 ranking members on the monthly leaderboard.
Great Selection of Game Categories
Stimulating challenges across 4 game categories: Sports, Live Casino, Slots, Fishing and Lottery.

Monthly Deposit Leaderboard Win up to 35,000 baht !!

22WIN every month will organise a deposit challenge and award the most deposit player a FREE CREDIT up to 35,000 baht !!

The more you deposit the higher rewards you will WIN !!

Term & Condition:

1. All registered members are entitled to participate in this leaderboard challenge.

2. 22WIN will award the Top 30 monthly deposit leaderboard members.

3. All the top 30 winner will be awarded free credit amount as the table below.

Event Details:

No. 1 35,000 baht
No. 2 20,000 baht
No. 3 10,000 baht
No. 4 8,000 baht
No. 5 5,000 baht
No. 6 ~ 10 3,000 baht
No. 11 ~ 20 2,000 baht
No. 21 ~ 30 1,000 baht

4. For member who won the free credit above, there is a 5 times turnover requirement for the member to withdraw it.

5. For member who won the monthly deposit challenge, 22WIN team will inform the winner.

6. The prize will be credit to member wallet within a short period after the winner is get informed.

7. This promotion will be monthly basis, promotion period start from 1st February 2024, 00:00:00 (GMT+8) - 31st December 2024,23,59:59 (GMT+8)

8. The cut off time for this promotion will falls on last day of the month, 23,59:59 (GMT+8) and the namelist of winner will be annouce in the deposit ranking.

9. Player could view up to date the deposit ranking in the 22WIN website as the ranking will update as live.

10. 22WIN reserves the right to cancel this promotion at any time of all members or individual members

11. Members participating in this activity must accept and comply with the above rules and terms as well as all the relevant rules and terms of the website implement by 22WIN.

12. General 22WIN Terms & Conditions apply.